

We, the members of the civil engineering community, at various colleges and universities, believing that a mark of distinction should be placed on the students and professionals who have upheld the honor of the community by high scholastic achievement, and believing that a society with the broad principles of scholarship, character, practicality, and sociability would be an incentive to greater achievements in the civil engineering community, do adopt this constitution as a guiding instrument for this  organization.


By recognizing outstanding students, graduates, and members of the civil engineering community for their scholarship, character, practicality, and sociability, Chi Epsilon seeks to foster excellence, connectivity, and engagement among those in the civil engineering community to improve our world.


The mission of Chi Epsilon is to achieve its vision through its four pillars:

Scholarship—recognizing excellence and achievement in academic and professional endeavors

Character—upholding the integrity and responsibility of the civil engineering community through our service and the ethical practice of our profession

Practicality—educating and encouraging our members to improve our world through innovative and impactful solutions

Sociability—connecting our members while engaging the broader civil engineering community


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